Gonorrhea, Headaches, Heart and Cardiovascular problem, Hepatitis a,b,c , High blood pressure, Hormonal imbalance (woman), Weak immune system, Impotency (men) low libido, Infertility in women, Infection, Inflammation , Insomnia, Kidney problem, Lack of concentration, Loss of hair, Low immune, system, Low sperm count, Liver problem, Malaria, Menopause problem, Menstrual blockage, Mouth odour, Muscle pain and cramps, Osteoporosis, Overweight, Patches on the skin, Piles (hemorhoids), Pimples, Pneumonia, Peptic ulcer, Premature ejaculation, Prostate problem, Rickets, Respiratory problems, Rheumatism, Sore, Stress, Stretch marks, Stomach ache, Stroke, Skin disease, Typhoid, Tuberculosis, Ulcers, Waist or back pain, Weak erection, Wrinkles, the following: - Do you want protection to your home, business, personal protection, we have king jean that protects from enemies, king pine for your family etc, and Do you want to give orders in the family or home and clan? -Do you want promotion at work? Come for help. Remove black sports in your hand that keeps taking your money away, Do you have bad luck? Do you want to win? Please come for help come for help, -Do you want a baby?, girl or boy come now. -Are you men? And your weak, come and get back your man hood permanently. -Do you have court cases? They will be demolished at once, within 3 days. -Business attraction, business protection, come now for help. Bring back lost lover with in 3 days. Get you married to that lover of your life in a shortest time and seal up your marriage with eternal love and happiness, Solves family misunderstanding -Do you want to recover stolen properties? Same day. If you want to talk to your spirits, your are welcome. -Are owing or your owed by someone or company, come
and you will be freed, -Do you want luck? Stop suffering in silent and rush to get that help you always wanted if not for you do it for your loved ones. Confidentiality guaranteed. Come one come all. All whites, blacks, colored etc are welcome FIND DR FARUKU IN HIS SHRINE or Contact Mama Jake's and Dr faruku on +27780079106 Email us at drfaruku@herbalisthealer.za.net
Hi everyone I'm sarah and am here to share the wonderful work Dr Ekpen did for me. After 5 years in marriage with my husband with 2 kids, my husband started acting weird and going out with other ladies and showed me cold love, on several occasions he threatens to divorce me if I dare question him about his affair with other ladies, I was totally devastated and confused until a old friend of mine told me about a spell caster on the internet called Dr. Ekpen who help people with relationship and marriage problem by the powers of love spells, at first I doubted if such thing ever exists but decided to give it a try, when I contact him, he helped me cast a love spell and within 48hours my husband came back to me and started apologizing, now he has stopped going out with other ladies and his with me for good and for real. Contact this great love spell caster for your relationship or marriage problem to be solved today via email: dr.Ekpen001 @ gmail .com or Call or WhatsApp: +2348169824538